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I hold a Master of Arts (MA) in Community Counseling and am both a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and a Certified Addiction Counselor (CACII) in the state of Colorado. I began my formal clinical training in 2002 and started practicing early 2005. Since then, I have now facilitated more than 10,000 sessions (with roughly half of those being group format). If I have learned anything in nearly two decades, it is that at the crossroads of vulnerability and acceptance, there is healing. As such, when people have taken the great risk to let me into their deepest secrets and suffering, and I have been able to meet that vulnerability with compassionate understanding and acceptance, the growth realized is more profound and long-lasting. While my intellectual side would love to have a more important role in helping others, as research as also shown, it is the “therapeutic relationship”; that is, a deep understanding and connection, that serves others most. Having learned this valuable lesson, I continue to offer a “no-risk” first session (for all private-pay clients). If anything does not feel right by the end of our first meeting, and you are not using insurance or another third-party paying source, you pay nothing for that meeting and opportunity.

While I officially closed my previous business a couple years ago, New Directions for Life, Inc. (in order to take an extended break), and am now practicing under my personal name only, I still believe the old company name aptly describes the general goal of a therapeutic process, so I kept this website and the resources contained herein. As such, please visit the Resource Library, Blog, and Podcast pages for more potentially relevant information, or… check in on Facebook for additional information and resources going forward.

If you have found this site and wish to work with me, I am currently offering both, in-person sessions in Winter Park, and remote, electronic sessions (phone, video) for Colorado residents at this time. To learn more, please visit my Therapeutic Services page, or contact me directly by clicking the link below. I look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Shawn